Each square will cost $50 ($25 with go towards the Reo Todesca Memorial Fund and $$25 towards the pot).
Pick a square by clicking on it in the grid. Each Grid can be seen by clicking on the Grid Management tab on the top. You can pick (and remove) your square(s) any time before the start of the selected game.
Payments can be made via:
PayPal at reotodescafund@gmail.com
Send the money as "Friends/Family" and include your name that is on your square
Venmo @reofund
Include your name that is on your square.
Pay Outs will be at the conclusion of each quarter in the values below:
1st Quarter: $500
Halftime: $500
3rd Quarter: $500
Final: $1,0000
Good luck to everyone. If you have any questions, please contact me at pault@arrowsportsgroup.com